Date | Title |
11-Nov-24 | IELTS listening: overview |
12-Nov-24 | IELTS reading: overview & skills |
13-Nov-24 | Writing the introduction and an overview (task 1) |
14-Nov-24 | IELTS speaking: overview |
18-Nov-24 | Form completion |
19-Nov-24 | Multiple choice questions |
20-Nov-24 | Preparing your Essay and Essay types (task 2) |
21-Nov-24 | Task 1 overview and tips |
25-Nov-24 | Multiple choice questions |
26-Nov-24 | Matching headings |
27-Nov-24 | Graphs: Describing changes (task 1) |
28-Nov-24 | Task 2 overview and tips |
2-Dec-24 | Sentence completion |
3-Dec-24 | Short answer questions |
4-Dec-24 | Writing an intorduction and a conclusion (task 2) |
5-Dec-24 | Task 3 overview and tips |
9-Dec-24 | Table completion |
10-Dec-24 | T/F/NG |
11-Dec-24 | Graphs: Comparing data (task 1) |
12-Dec-24 | Giving your opinion |
16-Dec-24 | Labelling a map/plan/diagram |
17-Dec-24 | summary completion |
18-Dec-24 | Advantage/Disadvantage essays (task 2) |
19-Dec-24 | Using advanced language |
23-Dec-24 | No session |
24-Dec-24 | No session |
25-Dec-24 | No session |
26-Dec-24 | No session |
30-Dec-24 | No session |
31-Dec-24 | No session |
1-Jan-25 | No session |
2-Jan-25 | No session |
6-Jan-25 | Summary/note completion |
7-Jan-25 | Diagram & table completion |
8-Jan-25 | Maps (task 1) |
9-Jan-25 | Stucturing your ideas |
13-Jan-25 | Matching |
14-Jan-25 | Matching sentence endings |
15-Jan-25 | Opinion essays (task 2) |
16-Jan-25 | Developing your answers |
20-Jan-25 | Flow chart completion |
21-Jan-25 | Y/N/NG |
22-Jan-25 | Processes (task 1) |
23-Jan-25 | Assessment criteria |
27-Jan-25 | Short answer questions |
28-Jan-25 | Flow chart completion |
29-Jan-25 | Problem solution essays (task 2) |
30-Jan-25 | Sample task 1 |
3-Feb-25 | Exam practice 1 |
4-Feb-25 | Exam practice 1 |
5-Feb-25 | Structuring a paragraph (task 2) |
6-Feb-25 | Sample task 2 |
10-Feb-25 | Exam practice 2 |
11-Feb-25 | Exam practice 2 |
12-Feb-25 | Assesssment criteria (task 2) |
13-Feb-25 | Sample task 3 |