Specialist Language Courses
NHS Royal Devon University Healthcare

Preparation for the Nursing OSCE

Preparation for the Nursing OSCE was written in partnership with the highly experienced OSCE training team at the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

The course covers every aspect of the Adult Nursing OSCE test. It can be taken before in-person OSCE training as preparation, alongside to support training delivery, and afterwards to consolidate learning ahead of sitting the test. The course is designed to increase first time pass rates and make in-person training more targeted and effective. 

Preparation for the Nursing OSCE is comprehensive and fully up-to-date, including the new scenarios and skills introduced in November 2022 and the changes announced for September 2024. It can be taken on PC, tablet and mobile phone. 

The course covers all OSCE topics and scenarios on APIE, Clinical Skills, Professional Values and Evidence of Best Practice. It details the marking criteria and gives clear guidance on how to pass each station. It also highlights the common areas of failure, so candidates are fully prepared.

“Working with SLC on this project has been a pleasure and we hope the outcome will support many of our international colleagues successfully pass their OSCE.” Jane Dorothy, Clinical Training Manager and Tim Clark, Lead OSCE Trainer, the Royal Devon. 

What the course covers

The APIE OSCE stations focus on the APIE process. Learn how APIE is applied to the Nursing OSCE scenarios, the tools you use,  and the language you need for each one:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Community care home
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • End of life care
  • Falls and fractures
  • Hernias
  • Homelessness
  • Pneumonia
  • Subdural haematoma

The course covers the APIE marking criteria, tools and processes; NHS-specific approaches to patient assessment, care plans, drug administration and infection control; key language and communication skills.

The clinical skills OSCE stations test practical nursing skills. Learn the essential language and communication skills you need to demonstrate your clinical skills in the many topics covered by the Nursing OSCE:

  • Administration of inhaled medication
  • Administration of suppositories
  • Aseptic non-touch technique
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Bowel assessment
  • Catheter specimen of urine
  • Fine-bore nasogastric tube insertion
  • Fluid balance chart
  • Intramuscular injections
  • IV flush and VIP score
  • MSU and urinalysis
  • Nasopharyngeal suctioning
  • Nutritional assessment
  • Oral care plan
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Pain assessment
  • Peak expiratory flow rate
  • Pressure area assessment
  • Removal of a urinary catheter
  • Subcutaneous injection
  • Wound assessment

The course covers the professional values described by the NMC, including the ‘6 Cs’, and teaches how these values are applied in practice. The focus is on scenarios that are covered in the Nursing OSCE, and students learn the appropriate language to use in these situations:

  • Bullying
  • Patient confidentiality and sharing information with a third party
  • Dishonesty
  • Drug error
  • Possible abuse and safeguarding, witnessed abuse in care home
  • Inappropriate use of social media, racism in social media
  • Concerns about impaired performance
  • Confrontation with a colleague

The Evidence of Best Practice OSCE station asks you to write a response to an article which should demonstrate your application of best practice. Learn the language and skills needed to show evidence of best practice from the OSCE topics:

  • Ankle sprain
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Bedside handover
  • Cervical screening
  • Cranberry juice and UTI
  • Dementia and music
  • Diabetes (type 2) and hypoglycaemia
  • Female myocardial infarction
  • Fever in children
  • Honey dressing for venous ulcer
  • Pressure ulcer prevention
  • Use of restraints
  • Saline vs tap water for wound cleansing
  • Smoking cessation methods
english for Doctors course
Purchase Preparation for the Nursing
OSCE course today!

Purchase Preparation for the Nursing OSCE for only £15 per learner per month

About the course

On the course, you learn about how the OSCE is structured, the different stations where you are tested, what to expect on the day, some tips for success and, importantly, a guide on what not to do.

In the course, you’ll learn all about the NMC’s role in regulating the nursing profession and the professional standards nurses must follow, as set by the Code of Practice and the Standards of Proficiency for nursing practice. Preparation for the Nursing OSCE course covers everything you need to know, including the seven platforms and Annexes A and B. 

Preparation for the Nursing OSCE is accredited by the CPD Standards Office on the UK. At the end of the course you receive an official certificate for 60 CPD points. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development.

Virginia Allum is a registered nurse with many years’ clinical experience and a widely published writer, including co-authoring the Cambridge English for Nursing text books, used by Medical universities around the world. Virginia write the course in close consultation with the OSCE training team at the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

If you would like to work with a teacher to support your learning and work on a personalised learning plan with you, then check out the Premium option

Preparation for the Nursing OSCE was published in October 2024. It is fully updated for the new scenarios and skills introduced in November 2022 and the changes announced for September 2024.

When you book the Premium course, you will be assigned a personal tutor. They will give you lessons when you are available and make sure you focus on what you need to do to achieve pass the test.

Simple! Just contact us via the contact form on the website or send an email to admin@specialistlanguagecourses.com. One of our team will get back to you within one working day. 

The subscription options are available for either one month or three months. You can choose to have your subscription renewed monthly or on a quarterly basis. If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time by following the instructions provided in your registration email.

You can cancel your subscription at any time via your user account. Simply follow the link provided in your registration email.

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