6th English for Healthcare Conference: Meet the Conference Organisers!
Want to know more about the upcoming international English for Healthcare conference?
Join us on Wednesday 24th July at 1pm UK time when Petra Zrnikova (EALTHY Memberships Secretary) and Chris Moore (SLC Managing Director and EALTHY Board Member) will answer all your questions.
They’ll talk through what you can expect to see at the conference – from the keynote speakers to presentations from around the world to posters on a wide range of topics. You can find out more on the venue – Brighton and Sussex Medical School at the University of Sussex – and how to get there.
Petra and Chris can tell you what’s on the menu at the conference dinner (a few places still available!), as well as the many things you can do in Brighton, one of the UK’s liveliest seaside cities.
There’ll be plenty of time to ask them questions so you can be clear on whether the conference is for you.
And if it is, we have a great discount code that we’ll share with all attendees!
Register your attendance now and we’ll look forward to seeing you on the July 24th.
Register here