Specialist Language Courses

A Message to our Candidates, Clients and Learning Community Regarding COVID-19

We teach English to healthcare professionals and students – doctors, nurses, pharmacists, carers – who in many cases are now on the front line of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

On behalf of SLC I’d like to express our heartfelt support and praise to all of you, and acknowledge the amazing life-saving work so many of you are doing.

As you are aware, we publish Medical English courses online and we teach groups and individuals in online classrooms.

Our Digital First approach gives us reach that would not be possible in any traditional educational setting and due to this we are happy to report that we are able to maintain 100% service delivery levels during this difficult period.

If you are an SLC student and able to attend lessons, your classes will go ahead and your digital materials will not be disrupted.

If you are an SLC client, rest assured your candidates’ training can continue. They are in good hands as we have delivered thousands of hours of online training and are experts in the field.

Those students who are studying toward an officially recognised exam such as IELTS or OET may find that their exam dates and schedules are subject to change and postponement by exam centres globally. The safety of candidates, test venue staff and employees is paramount. If you are an SLC student affected by this, you can discuss your situation with your teacher or our academic team – we will ensure that you are kept updated.

You can find details of all OET venues currently affected on the Official OET site here: https://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/coronavirus-update/

Please stay in touch and let us know how we can continue to support you.
