Specialist Language Courses

Branded, institution-specific pages for SLC customers

We’re delighted to announce a further upgrade to the institution pages on SLC Campus, available for all our customers and partners.  

Any institution using SLC’s courses and materials with their learners can choose the design of the pages their students see. For the entry page to the courses, they can now select the following:

Update in platform

  1. logo 
  2. imagery 
  3. design  
  4. welcome message 
  5. links to contact  
  6. links to legal texts, e.g. privacy policy 
  7. links to social media  
  8. header and footer colours 
  9. button colours 
  10. favicon

These choices then follow through on the course pages, so students see their institution’s logo, colours and links throughout their course. 

Here are some examples: 

 Personalise your platform


This personalisation of the design allows our customers and partners to keep a strong design framework for their students to work within. Students really understand that the courses are very much part of their studies.  

And by having institution pages, the students are all in one place on the Learning Management System. This means teachers can create student groups, monitor their work, set assignments, and use the integrated messaging and video-conferencing tools.  

It’s no surprise that study and completion rates are very high, with excellent feedback from both students and teachers.   

Getting your institution pages set up is both easy and free. Get in touch to find out more by contacting our friendly team: 

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