Specialist Language Courses

Reach OET B Nursing updated for 2020

We’re delighted to publish the 2020 edition of Reach OET B Nursing, bigger and better than ever.


What’s changed?

  • More Writing input and practice, including more test questions and model answers.
  • New Speaking activities so students can record themselves taking part in Speaking role plays.
  • More vocabulary inputs to support the Reading and Listening papers.
  • The content has been re-sequenced to give greater clarity and direction.
  • More video and audio inputs There are now 35 videos and 45 audio tracks integrated into the course.
  • More detail on the Writing and Speaking marking criteria, so students understand better what the OET examiners are looking for.

Reach OET B takes students on a clearly defined learning journey, covering the OET test in detail – paper by paper, part by part and question by question.


Student activities

There is a focus on student activity throughout, so learners are constantly engaged. Language and test information and advice is presented in different ways and practised in a wide variety of tasks, from drag and drop, to record and playback, multiple choice, highlighting, categorising, pronunciation marking, matching, gap-fill, write and compare with model answers,

Practice questions are integrated throughout the course, so students apply their learning to what they are expected to do in the exam.

The new recording activities enable students to practice answering the questions and perform the role plays they will encounter in the Speaking test.  


Upgraded learning platform for teachers

SLC Campus

Our new learning platform enables teachers to prepare students for OET using Reach OET B Nursing as a key input. They can set work and check through student answers, just as if they were checking through a course book, so allowing them to mark written work and listen to spoken recordings. Teachers have at-a-glance views of progress and can mange students by using the online groups function.

The platform is highly intuitive and easy to use – for both students and teachers.


“This course was very useful because it gave me an idea about the way different subtests of OET are conducted and also provided a wide range of sample material for practice.”

Christine Beaumont, OET Nursing candidate


Reach OET B Nursing has been part of many nurses’ journey to achieving the test scores they need to work in the UK, Ireland, Australia and elsewhere.

We’re delighted to publish this update and look forward to supporting many more OET students and their teachers now and in the future.

For more information, go to the webpages:


About SLC


Based at the University of Sussex, SLC is the UK’s leading provider of English language training to the global healthcare sector. SLC was the first accredited OET Premium Preparation Provider in Europe and is an OET All Stars provider. Thousands of medical professionals and students take SLC’s courses every year.


About Virginia Allum, Reach OET B Nursing writer

Virginia Allum

Virginia is a registered nurse, co-authored the Cambridge Guide to OET Nursing, the Cambridge English for Nursing course books, and writes test items for the official OET test. She is an internationally renowned write, trainer and conference speaker.