Specialist Language Courses

SLC launch free live OET lessons!

We’re delighted to be launching a series of live OET lessons this coming week.  

SLC Academic Director and serious OET guru, Bethan Edwards, will be giving two lessons, one on the Writing Paper and one on the Reading, both covering areas that many candidates struggle with: 

  1. Expressing the purpose of a letter 
  1. OET Reading A – tips and strategies 

The lessons take place on Zoom on Tuesday and Thursday, 14th and 16th September, both at 13.00 BST – that’s UK time, so 20.00 in Beijing and Manila, 17.30 in New Delhi, 14.00 in Paris and Rome, and 08.00 in New York.  

You can attend live, do some activities and answer some questions. Just follow the links and register. 

Bethan has taught OET to hundreds of nurses and doctors from around the world. She manages our team of expert OET teachers and ensures the success of the courses we give. She works with many NHS hospitals in the UK as well as partner schools and universities in many different countries, and has a strong relationship with the OET academic team in Melbourne.  

Bethan really knows her stuff, so take advantage of this great opportunity to be taught by her for free!