Specialist Language Courses

SLC launches new online Medical Terminology course

We’re delighted to announce the publication of our new online Medical Terminology course!

This 30-hour course teaches learners how to understand hundreds of medical terms covering parts of the body, symptoms, conditions, treatments and procedures.

Like other sector-specific vocabulary sets, medical terminology can at first seem like another language, and a pretty complicated one at that, full of long unpronounceable words. Words like cardiomyopathy, haemoptysis or laparoscopy.

However, medical terminology has a regular structure that can be learnt quickly by looking at the roots of medical terms – mostly derived from old English, Latin or Greek – and then the prefixes and suffixes which combine with the roots to give specific meanings.

This course teaches learners how to analyse different terms in this way, so they can understand their meaning. It also teaches how to pronounce them and how to translate them into everyday language.

The course covers a very wide range of terms, covering every part of the body, all the way from the parietal bone to the sacrum to the hallux. The terms are contextualised throughout, so learners see how they are used in practice when discussing a wide range of conditions and treatments.

New Medical Terminology2


Like all SLC’s courses, Medical Terminology is online, so learners can access it at any time. We use a cutting-edge platform, with multi-media inputs and lots of activity types, so making learning engaging and enjoyable.

The course is accredited by the CPD Standards Office in the UK. When you complete the course, you receive a formal CPD Standards certificate for 24 CPD hours or points, accepted internationally and across multiple professional sectors.

To get more details of the course and to purchase it, please go to https://www.specialistlanguagecourses.com/medical-terminology/.

To get institutional access as a healthcare educator or employer, please contact SLC’s Managing Director, Chris Moore, on chris@specialistlanguagecourses.com.