Specialist Language Courses

SLC prepares more refugee doctors and nurses for OET

We’re delighted to be working for three more groups of refugee healthcare professionals in partnership with RefuAid.  

20 more doctors and 10 more nurses will have the opportunity to prepare for OET Medicine and OET Nursing and achieve the language scores they need to register and work in the UK. 

Doctors and Nurses

The UK National Health Service is experiencing significant shortages of approximately 10,000 doctors, 5,000 GPs and 40,000 nurses. There are many highly experienced healthcare professionals who are resettling in the UK as refugees.  

The match is obvious and so a huge amount of credit is due to RefuAid for both understanding the situation and, crucially, arranging the training for the professionals concerned to meet the standards set by the UK regulatory bodies, the General Medical Council (doctors) and Nursing and Midwifery Council (nurses) in the UK.  

So far, we have supported 111 doctors, 47 nurses and 10 pharmacists. Some are already working, others have passed and are now to the next stage, PLAB, for example, while others are still studying.  

244 learners have also taken our Medical English courses, primarily English for Doctors and English for Nurses, to get their professional language skills to the point where they can focus on the techniques, strategies and test-specific language they need for OET.  

Our teachers are constantly surprised and delighted by the amazing students they work with in these classes and the joy and motivation they bring. 

We are so pleased to be working with Mohib and the team at RefuAid and look forward to growing out partnership further in years to come.  

To see more of and support RefuAid’s work, visit their website: https://refuaid.org/