Specialist Language Courses

Take an SLC OET Practice Test now!

SLC are delighted to offer two full practice tests for OET Medicine and another two for OET Nursing.

The tests were all written by experienced OET test writers. They are very similar to an official OET test and accurately assess your score as if you were to sit an actual test. This is really useful to see where your grades are now and where you need to improve before taking an official test.

You take the Listening, Reading and Writing sub-tests online. Each sub-test is timed, so you get an accurate feel for how you can manage an official test. Your answers are marked immediately and you will see your scores when you submit your answers.

The OET Writing sub-test is marked by an OET expert from SLC’s academic team. You are given separate marks for the different criteria of:

  1. purpose
  2. content
  3. conciseness and clarity
  4. genre and style
  5. organisation and layout
  6. language.

This means you can really understand where your strengths and weaknesses are in the writing sub-test.


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The OET Speaking sub-test takes place on Zoom with one of SLC’s OET experts. You do two role plays just as in the official test. And just as with an official test, you are marked using both the linguistic criteria:

  1. intelligibility
  2. fluency 
  3. appropriateness
  4. grammar and expression

– and the clinical communication criteria –

  1. relationship-building
  2. understanding and incorporating the patient’s perspective
  3. providing structure
  4. information-gathering
  5. information-giving.

Again, this enables you to understand exactly which parts of the Speaking test you need to work on.

At the end, you receive a test report which shows your scores in the 4 sub-tests, including the criteria scores in the Writing and Speaking papers. You also see a predicted grade in each of the sub-tests, so you can see how close you are to the grades you need.

The tests are available online and can be taken whenever is convenient for you. For full details and to buy your test, go to the webpage.
