Top 10 Mistakes in OET Writing – Avoid These to Boost Your Score!
Back to Menu ↩ Writing an effective OET letter requires clarity, structure, and accuracy. Many candidates lose marks because of avoidable mistakes. Understanding these common
Do you teach Medical English?
Are you helping to prepare your learners for the OET?
Did your working life change abruptly during the pandemic?
We’re sure you remember when the world went into lockdown.
At first, teachers and institutions abandoned all in-person teaching. If you were teaching then, you probably spent some time learning how to use Zoom or another online teaching platform. Maybe you decided that in some ways, remote study was more effective than the previous way of doing things.
These days, you might have returned to classroom teaching. But it’s likely that at least some of your teaching hours will be online.
Some skills transfer directly from in-person teaching to internet-based sessions. However, there are many new skills that all online teachers have had to learn.
You might feel comfortable with what you know, but there are always ways to improve one’s teaching style.
So here are SLC’s top three tips for teaching Medical English online.
In a classroom, it’s easier to tell who understands you, and who’s struggling.
Online, that’s much more difficult.
Choosing learners to explain what you’ve said can feel to them as if you’ve put them on the spot – much more than it would in person.
Make your language as simple as possible.
A PowerPoint lecture in person can be a wasted opportunity to interact in the same space.
But online, it will slow the learning down for the students.
You can share the notes afterwards, as well.
Watch the following video to learn 4 tips to make an engaging PowerPoint Presentation.
Give learners longer in breakout rooms than you would in the real-life classroom.
They’ll have the chance to interact with each other more fully this way.
Hop from room to room to check that they’re continuing to discuss. However, give them less breaktime than in an actual class. It will help them not to get distracted.
If you’re a Medical English teacher, discover how SLC can help you become even better at what you do.
Stephanie Lam is a writer, journalist, and English teacher. She specialises in writing fabulous words for the wellbeing and health industries.
In Specialist Language Courses we offer free lesson plans to teachers so they can have the best materials to teach their students about Medical English.
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We also offer the latest in online medical English resources and materials to transform your teaching programmes and accelerate your students’ learning.
Teachers and institutions use the courses in multiple ways – as digital coursebooks, as supplementary learning, and as part of a flipped classroom approach. We can advise you how to integrate the materials to meet your objectives.
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Back to Menu ↩ Writing an effective OET letter requires clarity, structure, and accuracy. Many candidates lose marks because of avoidable mistakes. Understanding these common
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