Specialist Language Courses

Welcome Reach OET B Nursing 4th edition!

We’re delighted to share our latest edition of Reach OET B Nursing with you. The 4th edition has everything a nurse needs to achieve a high score in their OET Nursing test.

150+ hours of expert content

Reach OET B Nursing courseWhen you subscribe, you immediately access over 150 hours of up-to-date content covering the test – paper by paper, question by question. You build your test-specific vocabulary and grammar and develop the language skills you need to take the test with confidence.

Not only are there lots of test questions and analysis, the course will make sure you develop the techniques and strategies you can use to answer questions quickly and effectively.

The course is visual, fun to do and works perfectly on all devices, including mobile phone via the course app.


4 live lessons every week

You can attend up to 4 lessons every week, going through what you need OET Live lessonsto do in the test. The lessons focus on specific papers, questions, and skills, so you can choose the ones which are relevant to you. There are 48 unique lessons given every 12 weeks. And the lessons are live on Zoom, so you interact with the teacher and other students throughout.

Can’t attend the lessons? Don’t worry, you can access the lesson library where you see recordings of all the lessons for you to watch when you have time.


3 full practice tests

In addition to the test questions in the course, you can take three full tests – written by OET test writers so you know they are up-to-date and follow the correct format. The tests are timed, so you can see how you do under exam conditions.

ROB 3Want personalised feedback on your tests? You can download the writing and speaking answers and share them with a teacher or other students. You can also book time with an SLC expert to get corrections, criteria-based scores and lots of ideas on how to improve.


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Over 70 video tips and strategies

In every part of the course there are short videos from SLC’s YouTube star, OET Jo. With nearly 50,000 followers and regular live sessions on OET social media, Jo gives short, insightful, sessions on every aspect of OET.

In the course, these videos have learning content added to them, so you will get the most from them.


SLC Progress Promise


All Reach OET B subscribers benefit from the SLC Progress Promise. Even when a subscription has finished, SLC learners can still attend the 4 live lessons every week. This means you can continue to study and revise for your test with expert teachers and other OET students. In this way, you know that we’re with you every step of the way to achieving success in OET.


To conclude

150 hours of learning content + live lessons + timed practice tests + video tips and strategies + SLC Progress Promise = PASS!

Subscribe now for only £29 a month or £75 for three months.