Specialist Language Courses

How can I book one-to-one and group language and communication skills training?

healthcare professional taking SLC classes online

Language training can transform careers in healthcare. It provides learners with the tools they need to effectively communicate with patients and colleagues at work, carry out research projects, join international teams, and access overseas work and study opportunities.

This is true as much for beginner level students building a foundation in a new language as it is for advanced speakers working on developing high level communication skills, giving presentations or writing articles.

Commissioning language training

If you’re looking to procure language training for your staff, it’s important to get clear on a number of things from a prospective supplier. These include:

  1. What’s the initial diagnostic / needs analysis process?
  2. How flexible is the training schedule?
  3. What are the teachers like? What are their minimum qualifications? Experience?
  4. What experience does the company delivering the training courses you’re looking for have? Healthcare is a specialist field, so this is important.
  5. What materials do you use?
  6. What do learners do between lessons? How easy is it for them to carry out assignments or access materials? Can they do this on their phones, for example?
  7. How do measure progress? What feedback do you take?
  8. Can I see / track what my staff are doing on their courses?
  9. What happens once the course is finished? Is it certificated?
  10. What does the price include? Does it cover everything, so no hidden extras?

The SLC process

When we work with you, the client, we provide as clean and clear a process as possible.

  1. We have an initial discussion on what you are looking for and what the outcomes should be. This is followed by a detailed proposal setting out how the learners will achieve those outcomes and what service level you can expect from us.
  2. Online needs analysis forms which include a link to a secure online English language assessment are sent to learners. These are submitted and collated by the Academic team and shared with the teacher.
  3. A lesson schedule is agreed which maps to learner availability. This is created on the academic management system and shared with you.
  4. If SLC digital materials are used, a client-branded area is created on the LMS, with access given to clients so they can track their learners’ progress where required.
  5. The lessons are delivered online, with the teacher submitting attendance, notes on what was covered, what progress was made and whether there were any issues. Clients can access these at any time.
  6. Regular progress checks are made during the course, with results being added to the academic management system. Any concerns are reported to the client.
  7. Feedback is taken at mid-course and any changes made where appropriate to the course design.
  8. At the end of the course, progress is assessed, feedback taken, certificates shared, and next steps, e.g. booking an exam, agreed.

You are included throughout the process and are aware of attendance, progress made, any potential issues and what is being done to address them. You know whether your learners have achieved the outcomes set and where they are falling short, what can be done. You have one clear point of contact throughout who will work consistently to ensure the success of the course.

Types of language training offered

  • Exam preparation – OET, IELTS, PTE
  • Communication skills development
  • Medical and Nursing English
  • General English development
  • Academic English development

OET Preparation

IELTS and PTE Preparation

Medical English Preparation

Find out more

Please contact us to discuss any language training needs you have. We will arrange a call to go through the details of what you’re looking for and send a comprehensive proposal for you to consider. 

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