Specialist Language Courses

New Case Study: Mastering Communication in Social Care

We’re delighted to publish our latest case study which charts the creation, piloting and rollout of our new course for overseas social carers, Mastering Communication in Social Care.


We designed the course following a briefing from the South East Social Care Alliance (SESCA), which represents represent Adult Social Care providers across the region. It forms part of their International Recruitment Funding Initiative, offering a range of training courses to migrant carers.

Adult Social Care

Why create this course?

Overseas social carers work with service users in a variety of settings, including domiciliary care, supported living, residential care and nursing homes.

Communicating effectively with service users who may be confused, in pain, and have complex needs can be challenging to say the least. However, these conversations are vital to establishing rapport and providing high levels of care.

What’s in the course?

Mastering Communication in Social Care gives overseas carers the language and skills to talk about a wide range of topics common to care, from introductions to food and drink, to personal care, mobility, pain, pressure area care, falls and mental health.

The course can be taken as an 8-hour standalone study course or combined with group lessons that give participants an opportunity to practise and get feedback on the language learnt from an expert tutor.

Piloting the course

The courses were piloted with six groups of learners, all consisting of social care workers from a variety of organisations across the south east of England. Lessons took place on Zoom and the online study was done on a PC or a phone via the course app. There were a number of challenges which emerged and needed addressing for the course to be successful, all detailed in the case study.

Refining the course

The second tranche of courses were rolled out soon after the first ones had finished. We changed them in several ways as we learnt the lessons from the pilot. The courses proved to be a real success, and we’re delighted that engagement levels, course completion and feedback from the courses were incredibly positive.

Mastering Communication for Social Care

What’s in the case study?

The case study details the course, the pilot and the challenges that arose, and what happened to resolve those challenges in the second set of courses. It also contains the course report that was compiled by SESCA from the feedback they received from participants and their employers.


Mastering Communication in Social Care can be delivered as is or can be further tailored to specific groups of learners. If you would like to know more details and discuss how the course can be used for the overseas carers working in your organisation, do get in touch.