Specialist Language Courses

Use THESE essential phrases for effective OET WRITING

Useful phrases for OET writing

In this lesson, you’ll learn essential phrases and structures you can use when drafting your OET letters.

From greeting the recipient to requesting follow-up care, these tips will help you communicate effectively and professionally. If you’d like a more interactive approach, be sure to watch our accompanying video for a demonstration of how to apply these phrases in context.

What you need to do in the OET Writing Test:

  • Write a Letter to a healthcare professional.
  • Select Relevant Content from a set of case notes.
  • Provide Information and Request Action using appropriate language.

Useful OET Writing Phrases


  • Dear Dr Smith
    Use this greeting when you know the reader’s name.
  • Dear Sir/Madam
    Use this greeting when you don’t know the reader’s name.

Introducing Your Purpose

  • I am writing…
    Place this phrase at the beginning to explain why you are writing.


  1. Referral Letter

    • I am writing to refer Ms Jones, who presents with signs and symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.
    • Follow with what the patient needs: Your further management would be appreciated.
  2. Discharge Letter

    • I am writing regarding Mr Brown, who underwent a splenectomy on 3 January.
    • State the current situation and reason for writing: He is ready to be discharged but requires your ongoing care.

Describing Patient Presentations

  • Mr Kahn presented with shortness of breath and wheezing.
    (Patient name) + presented with + (symptoms)
  • She reported severe pain when walking.
    Use reported to reflect the patient’s perspective.

Making Polite Requests

  • It would be appreciated if you could…
    For example: It would be appreciated if you could monitor her wound and adjust her medication as necessary.
  • I would be grateful if you could…
    Another polite way to request action.

Explaining Arrangements

  • A review appointment has been scheduled…
    Use has been scheduled to show that arrangements are already in place.

Closing Your Letter

  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
    Or: Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • Yours sincerely,
    A standard sign-off, followed by your signature and name.

What NOT to say in an OET Letter

  • “Mr King suffers from hypertension.”
    • Instead: “Mr King has hypertension.”
  • “Miss Wang was complaining of dizziness.”
    • Instead: “Miss Wang presented with dizziness.”
  • “You have to monitor her wound.”
    • Instead: “Please could you monitor her wound?”
  • “Your esteemed and valued follow-up care would be highly appreciated.”
    • Instead: “Your follow-up care would be appreciated.”

Free Handout!

Download our free handout for more examples, practice exercises, and tips on using the right tone and phrasing in your OET writing.

Want to pass the OET exam? We want to help!

SLC was the OET-accredited Premium Preparation Provider in Europe and is the leading provider of OET preparation services to the UK National Health Service.

SLC offers a wide range of OET preparation services, including self-study, tutoring, practice tests, and writing correction.

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