Specialist Language Courses

Syllabus: English for Medical Academic Purposes

English for Medical Academic Purposes

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This English for Medical Academic Purposes course enables healthcare science students to write better academic work, understand lectures and talks, give presentations and keep up with research – all in English.

This online course is for students of medicine, pharmacy and nursing. Written by experts, English for Medical Academic Purposes helps students, undergraduate and postgraduate, engage with the global healthcare sector. The course gives Medical English teachers up-to-date materials that integrate easily into the language courses they give.

Course features

On this course, students learn:

  • the key features of academic writing
  • how to write abstracts and research articles
  • the skills and strategies they need to listen effectively to academic talks
  • how to analyse and understand academic texts
  • how to write and present impactful presentations
  • how to expand their academic vocabulary
  • to work with complex grammar and structure

Taking this course helps students keep up with the latest research, attend and speak at conferences, study and practice overseas, and participate in international projects.

Download the Syllabus

English for Medical Academic Purposes

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